iPhone will require Jailbreaking for installation of SpyBubble software. Jailbreaking the mobile phone creates Cydia icon on it. There is absolutely no money required to jailbreak the phone and it requires less time.
- After jailbreaking the device, you can see Cydia app on the Springboard.
- You need to tap on Search icon and tap ‘Cydia Substrate’ for installing it. You can confirm to install and once the package is installed, you can Return To Cydia.
- Click on Sources Icon at screen bottom. Tap Edit on the right hand top corner. Then, tap on Add button on top-left side. In Add Sources, type URL and add Add Source button when finished. There will be a screen appearing when Cydia automatically adds to the source.
- When source is added, Return To Cydia for getting to the Sources menu. Tap on the SpyBubble Link.
- Tap on All Packages and select the entry through the link.
- Install by clicking on the icon on top right corner for installation of Spy Bubble. Confirm the step.
- After finishing the installation, tap on Reboot Device to begin the processes. iPhone will be rebooted and this starts up the software immediately.
- Configure monitoring features for logging and enable different activities to begin for spying.