There are lots of social media platforms and social networks available today and each of those comes with a different and unique set of features. Snapchat is a world famous social network that allows users to share their pictures with their friends and family easily and for a limited specific time span. As a parent, it is your duty to protect your kids from all kind of dangers including cyber threats that is possible by monitoring their activities. Spying on Snapchat is possible with the help of monitoring apps. There are few steps involved in the process.
Install SpyBubble
There are lots of monitoring apps available that allows spying on Snapchat yet SpyBubble is one of the most popular and complete apps and services that is not only easy to use but also easy to install and configure for the first time. In order to install SpyBubble on the target device, you must have physical access to that device for few minutes and after the installation and initialization process, you don’t have to have that device in your hands to do monitoring because you can do it from the web portal they provide at the time of app purchase.
Use SpyBubble
Login to the web portal they provide and configure SpyBubble to collected specific data. If all you need is spying on Snapchat then select that option from the same portal. You can use multiple monitoring options at the same time like email monitoring, message monitoring and calls monitoring.
Gather Data
In order to see collected data, you can login to the web portal company provides at the time of purchase with the help of your credentials. From that web portal, you can change settings and monitor all the activities of your kids.